REALITY- The Cease-Fire between Israel and Hamas appears to be holding for the moment so before Mr. Putin decides that my home belongs to him and sends in a horde of hired thugs to annex it for Mother Russia I thought that I'd put the proverbial pen to paper at least once more.
Vladimir Putin is the President of Russia and he has decided to spread a little freedom Russia style by invading nearby Ukraine with unofficial "rebel" forces. Then whoops, or whatever they say in Russia when some fool with anti-aircraft rocket capabilities becomes so overworked and overstressed that he shoots down a plane full of innocent people. They should say that they're sorry at least whether they thought that it was a military enemy aircraft or not. The world has rightfully condemned the act of destruction as we all wait for the final official story of exactly what happened to flight MH-17. My thoughts and prayers remain with the families of those lost.
The United States, The EU, and Japan among others have hit Russia with economic sanctions in response to Vladimir Putin's incursion into Ukraine and in the wake of the loss of MH-17. Putin has ordered his people to formulate a response to western sanctions. This is funny to me because it means that Putin himself has no response of his own, other than to act with more force. The world should take care not to make Mr. Putin believe that he is cornered, I fear that he has already shown the world his capacity to be an animal. What the world needs from Vladimir Putin now is leadership and cooperation not shows of strength.
Many people here in The United States have condemned President Obama for not responding to the downing of MH-17 with military force. These people are stupid and have no idea what is happening. A lot of these people work for Fox News, which has been charged with destroying anything Democratic in general and our democratically elected President Barack Obama in particular.
It's what they do, in fact it's not just the well dressed talking heads on television and the internet that have been anti-Obama from before he became President Obama, it is also his fellow politicians who have exhibited their own Obama-Phobia.

I would define Obama-Phobia as the condition that nearly all republican-Americans suffer from that causes them to fear and hate anything positive that has to with or might be credited to one President Barack Obama. Don't worry Obama-Phobia is a pre-existing condition that is directly linked to cases of moderate to severe racial bigotry. If you or a member of your family has a history of racial bigotry then you may be at risk of falling victim to Obama-Phobia. Time after time Republicans have flip-flopped away from anything that President Barack Obama has tried to accomplish, from The Affordable Care Act ("Obama-care") to immigration reform and everything in between.
Republican-Americans are crippled by their Obama-Phobia to the point that they have suffered vision-loss. They have lost sight of our American shores and how our American politics are supposed to end there. They must have, at least the republican-American leadership has because they are suing a sitting American President during a war and potentially the start of an even larger global conflict involving Russia.
The words un-patriotic and irresponsible don't quite cover what John Boehner and his republican cohorts have been doing. They have done everything that they can get away with to discredit, distract, and neutralize President Obama. As a proponent of free speech I believe in speaking truth to power, as an American however I believe in speaking that truth in a language that doesn't have to be Russian.
Apparently Mr. Boehner's language settings are more flexible than that because he is suing Barack Obama during a time of war for doing the work of The President as a way for Mr. Boehner himself to avoid actually doing the job that he was sent to Congress to do. That is to say cooperate with his fellow Congressmen and The White House in order to find real long-term solutions to the problems that face us all right? Instead John Boehner has abused his position to carry out a political war of attrition against Barack Obama while meaningful pieces of legislation like The Voting Rights Act are all but destroyed.

I don't like war. People die for no reason, places that people like, hang out at, and live within get destroyed. Poor people fight, suffer, and become targets while the rich stay away from the fighting and collect more money for doing nothing. If this new cold war between The United States and Russia becomes hot it will be exactly what Vladimir Putin wants to happen. President Obama and the other leaders of the world's nations must understand with certainty and know without doubt the very thin line between cowboy diplomacy and wearing the hat of the villain. George W. Bush didn't understand the difference and neither does Vladimir Putin.
And as Always,

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