Friday, November 22, 2013


REALITY: Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the day that President John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas Texas.  There are thousands of conspiracy theories and conspiracy debunking stories that we have heard about over the years.   The one thing everyone can agree on is that John Kennedy was shot down by rifle fire while sitting in the back of a moving car. Beyond that no one is really sure what happened that fateful day fifty years ago.
      The Unites States Government would have you believe that a former Marine named Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building overlooking Dealey Plaza. The third shot being fatal, striking President Kennedy’s head on his right side.

      The facts of the case do not support this theory.


      Eyewitnesses testified that they heard shots being fired from behind the picket fence located on the famous grassy knoll area to the front of where the president was shot, not the book depository behind him.  The film recorded by Abraham Zapruder definitively shows that the fatal head shot must have come from the front and right of the president. The film shows how Kennedy reacts to being struck by the final head shot by moving back and to his left indicating a shot from the front and right.

      Paraffin tests for nitrite residue from gun powder indicated that Lee Harvey Oswald did not fire a rifle on November 22nd 1963. The F.B.I. stopped believing in paraffin nitrite tests when they contradicted The Warren Commission’s conclusions.

      John Kennedy was President during the Cuban missile crisis. The United States had discovered the presence of offensive Soviet missiles in Cuba just 90 miles off the coast of the United States. Kennedy’s military advisors wanted only to invade Cuba and escalate the situation to full scale war between the United States and Russia. Kennedy knew that if he were to invade Cuba that would result in a nuclear war with Russia and likely the annihilation of the world.

      Kennedy found a way to make a deal with Russian Premier Khrushchev in order to avert nuclear war and thereby saving us all from total destruction. Believe it or not, not everyone thought that that was the best way to go. In fact Kennedy’s ability to avoid seemingly unavoidable war angered many important people in The United States government and atop the military industrial complex. After all they were planning on making a boat-load of money off of that war so that they and their children would never have to work ever again.

      I’m not here to name names, they know who they are and indeed you know who they are as well. I’m sure that those responsible for killing President John F. Kennedy who survive to this day are quite famous and powerful. How else can you explain that to this day fifty years later most Americans believe that there was not a single assassin and yet no one has ever been arrested or convicted of the crime? The law would say that Jack Ruby killed the man they believe would have been convicted but the evidence is not on the side of the law.

      After President Kennedy saved the world from nuclear war he called for civil rights legislation to end segregation and public discrimination. President Kennedy was preparing to withdraw from the war in Vietnam, as far as the racist warmongers in the business, military, and political power structures were concerned this was the last straw. After all who did John Kennedy think that he was anyway? Who was he to change the way that American life operated to better match the American values of equality and brotherhood that we all claim to cherish?
      Blocking Kennedy’s proposals in Congress was no longer sufficient to stop him from making social change a reality. Those within the power structure in Washington DC had had enough and they wanted revenge.
      No matter who shot from what rooftop or behind which fence on November 22nd 1963 President John F. Kennedy was dead.

      Shortly after being sworn in Lyndon Johnson, as the new president, commits the United States to escalation of the Vietnam War condemning countless Americans and Vietnamese people to death for what would ultimately turn out to be for nothing besides the profits of American businessmen. The United States involvement in The Vietnam War wouldn’t end until 1973.  John F. Kennedy would have ended it in 1965.

      Today very little has changed since 1973, as far as the influence possessed by the modern machine that President Eisenhower called the military industrial complex.  The United States is still recovering from the disastrous mistakes made by George W. Bush and his administration’s illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the same mistakes made by Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon in Vietnam.

      Fifty years after the death of President John F. Kennedy his legacy lives on in many ways but perhaps most prominent among them is the heir to his mantle of democratic hope for the future, President Barack Obama.
      President Obama has faced the same legislative obstructionism that Kennedy endured from his republican opponents in Congress. Today republicans still stand against equality and civil rights for all. Of course now the debate has shifted to marriage equality and universal healthcare. Yes republicans don’t want anyone to be on even close to an equal footing with them. That’s why you, as a voter, should never give a republican any office of power, they will only use it to act out the racism they inherited from their parents. In reaction to a black president who refuses to go to war in Syria and has committed to ending the Republican wars in Afghanistan in Iraq, in the ultimate act of ‘well if we’re not winning so we don’t wanna play no more’ rage quitting, Republicans shut down The United States Government.

      What did Republicans get out of shutting down the government? Not much really just that their beloved 'sequester' would last a little longer, and of course all that bad press trying to stop “Obamacare” even though shutting down the United States government the way that they did never had any chance of actually stopping “Obamacare” in any way.

      As far as the website rollout goes, the difficulties experienced so far have been par for the course of anything so new and large being activated. Incidentally to those who think that this is a big problem for Obama’s presidency, the website itself isn’t actually expected to be fully operational until the end of November. So all the early problems were expected, and no if you have a health insurance policy that screws you more than it saves you than you should have it replaced with a better less expensive plan.

      Over the past five years Republicans have blocked President Obama’s agenda so much that Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and the Democratic majority in The United States Senate have voted to end the filibuster in order to stop Republicans in the senate from using it to force a 60 vote threshold to pass any legislation at all.  The filibuster is meant to be used as an emergency method designed to give the minority party a last ditch maneuver in a case where a majority might have decided to do something horribly wrong or immoral. As an example, there was the time that Democrats in Congress used the filibuster to prevent the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Harriet Meyers. It turned out that Harriet Myers was actually George W. Bush’s personal attorney.

      While in the minority during The Bush Administration the Democrats did use the filibuster as an emergency button only to be used when absolutely necessary. Under President Obama, Congressional Republicans have abused the filibuster to force the entire legislative process to grind to a halt. Like a bunch of little kids who won’t stop playing with the button that turns off the TV.  Another good reason Republicans shouldn’t be allowed near any other important buttons as they might be just a little bit too eager to press them.

      There is something about Barack Obama that really gets under the skin of conservatives. Ironically it’s the color of his skin. Conservatives are racists. They have historically represented the most racist and sexist attitudes and they continue to do so to this very day. Republicans use their positions of power to obstruct those who would bring equality to all.  Their basic point of view is that they are better than everyone one else and they use race to define for themselves who is acceptable and who is not. Republicans will always go to great lengths to ensure that the people they fired for not being republican will get no assistance to survive and as such will not be voting in the next election. I call it Modern Republican Eugenics.

      John F. Kennedy sought to end wars and provide equal treatment under the law for black people in America. He was President at the most pivotal moment in recent history (with the possible exception of September The Eleventh) the point at which the world turned away from nuclear war and towards peace in all times.
      Peace is larger than just one person. That fact didn’t stop President John F. Kennedy’s enemies from killing him. The enemies of peace continue to fight the same secret war against progress and equality that they have always been fighting one way or another. The murder of President John F. Kennedy was not the first attack in this war however it may have been the most decisive loss in the history of American progress and equality. In that context, it could be said that the election and re-election of Barack Obama to the office of President of The United States of America has been the most decisive defeat for the forces of hate and war.

      Up until now those forces (aka The Republican Party and its representatives in the media) have been content to obstruct and wait. Without the filibuster to block everything President Obama is doing, what means will The Republican power structure turn to now?


      And As Always,