Tuesday, November 15, 2011


REALITY-   On the order of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, The New York Police Department re-took Zuccotti Park from Occupy Wall Street Protesters at around 1am Tuesday Nov. 8th.  They used the cover of darkness, covered badge numbers, and the now standard pepper spray, metal baton treatment.  The Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, stated that many warnings were given and that all their motivations for the forcible removal of Occupy Wall Street from Zuccotti Park were in the interests of sanitation and public safety.  And if that were so then Bloomberg would actually re-open the park to protesters, after it has been swept and cleaned by the propper authorities, in complience with a court order signed by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Lucy Billings, a former civil liberties lawyer, that allows Occupy Wall Street protesters to return to Freedom Plaza (AKA Zuccotti Park).  Instead Mayor Bloomberg will keep Zuccotti Park closed until the court order can be "clarified".

      At least 70 people were arrested over night, including  members of the Associated Press. NYPD Officers even arrested a woman in a wheelchair. 5000 books at the Occupy Wall Street Library were destroyed along with all communication equipment. Inspite of all of this the Occupy Wall Street Livestream continues as does the Occupy Wall Street movement itself. in the words of one protester "The park is clean - it smells like clorox and broken constitutional amendments".

      Yeah sure the park needed to be cleaned. Did you need to ambush sleeping people in the middle of the night and beat them with batons and spray them with pepper spray? Sure say the NYPD, as far as they're concerned that is the fun part.  No one involved in any way with The NYPD or any other police force would ever publicly admit to this opinion, but it is exactly how they look at it.

      The behavior of the police in Oakland California and now in New York City are just the latest examlpes of how a majority of the cops really feel.  They like their jobs because every once in a while they get to beat people up and break their stuff without fear of reprisal. Again they'll never admit to it in public.

A police officer bundles away an Occupy Wall Street protester after the clear-out of Zuccotti Park

      It's a game to them where they hold all the cards.  The protests must remain non-violent. The police do not have to adhere to any such rule, in fact it is in their interests to incite violence in any way that they can in order to create an excuse to escelate the sitation to where the police can use any tactics they please and get away with it. Any tactics to clear the protests.  The NYPD have the weapons and the authority, The Occupy Wall Street Protesters have the numbers and the truth.  The NYPD officers don't risk what the brave men and women who are Occupy Wall Street risk.  The protesters are peacfully standing up for their rights, while the cops are standing around on the job collecting overtime. Peaceful protesters versus well paid state mercenaries with weapons.

      The Occupy Wall Street Protesters have to await a judges ruling on the court order that allows them to return to Zuccotti Park.  The ruling is said to be due around 3pm est.

      Unilt then the NYPD Occupies Zuccotti Park, like a parody of the protests themselves.  Again to the authorities all of this is a joke. That is the catch, they won't take the protesters seriosly as long as they're non-violent, so they provke violence and then deal with the protesters in the only serious manner that they know. That is to say a violent manner.

      At 4:50pm est. it was announced that the original court order had been overturned and that the Occupy Wall Street protesters were not allowed to return to Zuccatti Park with tents and sleeping bags.  By 6:30pm Zuccotti Park was filled once again by Occupy Wall Street. Where do we go from here?  General Strike.

      Peace Vs. Violence.

      Good Vs. Evil.

      And As Always...

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