Monday, February 27, 2012


REALITY-   Although it is what George W. Bush did wrong, President Barack Obama must project strength. By allowing The Republicans in Congress and on Television to dictate terms in situations like unemployment benefits, corporate accountability, and Bush tax cuts for the top 2 percent The President has lost support among many groups of people. The town where I live is pretty racist. (The town's people here I should say are racists. The town itself, a location with no emotions, is as ever neutral.) Folks here have been laughing at President Obama's Administration openly since before he was officially nominated, but now I have overheard members of the African American community expressing their displeasure with The President's seeming inability to combat The Republican Agenda both in Congress and in the court of public opinion.

      Not that anyone has noticed or remembers that President Obama, or his orders, have been responsible for...

      1. Ending The Second U.S. / Iraq War, and not yet starting any new wars in Iran or Syria. Like I said at least not yet.

      2. Reversing the downward spiral of the largest financial collapse in American history since The Great Depression. You remember, it was that giant finacial meltdown that was caused by the failed policies of former Republican President George W. Bush "1/20/2001-1/20/2009" and his Republican, G.O.P., right wing pals.

      And last but not least...

      3. The Killing of one Osama Bin Laden.

      It's true, it happened, I remember it.

      I saw it on Saturday Night Live even.

      Bush claimed to have been trying to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden since 2001. Obama accomplished in three and a half years what George W. Bush failed to do over the course of 7 plus years. President Obama's Administration gave the orders that lead to the death of Osama Bin Laden. 

      The Republicans have been in total control of the framework of the overall national debate and the content of President Obama's arguments by way of that control. So much so that the American people have all but forgotten that the Republicans had their chance to get Osama Bin Laden and The Republicans failed. President Obama required only half the time that The Republicans had had to terminate the most wanted man in history.

      In any case, President Barack Obama had better get ready to be debated off the stage by whichever Republican whom finally becomes their selection for candidacy. You all know that these are not the actual 2012 Presidential debates right? The Republican Candidates are only practicing for the real debates against the real President of The United States Barack Obama. You all know that that is all that they are doing on television every week right?

      Almost like minor league baseball players, The G.O.P. Candidates are taking televised batting practice. Crushing lobbed grapefruits out into deep right field hoping to make it to the big show. Although they are already on a big show aren't they? The Republicans have created a, what might as well be, weekly 'reality' TV show around their primary election cycle. Scheduling more than 20 televised debates amongst themselves and not inviting any outside opposition.

      The Globetrotters at least invite the Washington Generals to play the basketball games. The audience would be less impressed I think if The Great Harlem Globetrotters took to the court alone. Winning games 212 to nothing because there was no real opposition. While party debates on either side rarely if ever actually invite any opposition during their debates, it's important to remember that everyone you see on the Republican debate stage is on the same team. Each one playing a role. Like pro wrestling, these Republican presidential candidates are not trying to hurt one another only trying to make the eventually chosen candidate appear to be as strong as possible. 

      The Undertaker doesn't really want to injure his demonic brother Kane when he hits him over the head with a steel chair. The chair-shot is meant to be exciting and to be a visual spectacle. The fans are meant to see Kane survive the big chair-shot by The Undertaker so that you know that Kane is very resilient and that Kane can take on anything, can survive anything, even a big chair-shot from The Undertaker.

      Or even sharing a debate stage with President Obama. In wrestling they call it doing a 'job' or putting the other guy 'over'. Established performers like The Undertaker and Newt Gingrich do 'jobs' to put newer younger talent 'over' in order to create a newer younger 'star' so that the business that the two talents share can continue on into the future. The older talents do this in order to solidify their own future in the business.

      The season of Republican 'reality' show style "presidential" debates has worked to create newer younger 'stars' within the Republican Party. 'Political stars' that may generate enough fan recognition to stand on the same stage with Barack Obama and survive his chair-shots. If I were working close to the president I would have him arguing with Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in order to prepare the president for the Republican assault machine that is all warmed up for him.

      Ps. Here's a top three list of International boogeymen who have left the political map on President Obama's watch...

      1. Osama Bin Laden,

      2. Moammar Gadhafi,

       3. and Kim Jong Il.

      And As Always,