Reality- Wow, the voters of Massachusetts have just sided with George W. Bush.
This is something I thought that I would never see.
The blue-est Commonwealth in the union has just sent a Republican to fill the senate seat formerly distinguished by the late Edward M. Kennedy. Marking the first time since 1978 that there has been a Republican Senator from Massachusetts.
I mentioned before how this vote for Scott Brown is actually voting with George W. Bush. I know everyone is tired of hearing (or reading) the name George W. Bush, however that name is still relevant to the current political situation in these United States.
Voting Scott Brown into being The Junior Senator from Massachusetts only confirms what those who have lived in the state know only too well. It confirms the fact that Massachusetts is still full of racists. Only now these racists have finally realized which political party that they identify with the most.
The political party that didn't nominate and elect the first African American President of The United States of America, Barack Obama.
Up until now these racists couldn't figure out which party best reflected their own personal attitudes. They liked George W. Bush because, among other things, he was openly racist. So much so that he tried to allow New Orleans Louisiana to be swallowed by flood waters.
Much of it was.
Scott Brown calls himself an independent thinker. He drives a truck, holds a hell of rally (in his home town), and he had enough campaign funds to blanket Massachusetts with television, radio, and print advertising for 48 hours leading up to the special election.
The voters of Massachusetts reacted like a baby does to shiny keys.
Scott Brown's campaign spent more than $450,000 in advertising to make sure that all of Massachusetts knew that...

A. Scott Brown drove a pick-up truck and that...

Voters of Massachusetts, one question for you, does that fact that Scott Brown drives a pick-up truck mean that he is any more qualified for a job that does not require him to drive a pick-up truck?
While you're pondering that let's get back to George W. Bush and his criminal gang of which Scott Brown, has now become a member.
Once a president becomes a former president there is a mass feeling of closure. A feeling as though everything that that president had done is now the past, and somehow has no bearing on current events.
As an example I was hearing people refer to our current economic crisis as "Obama's recession" before The 44th President of The United States of America, Barack Obama, had even taken office.
It's Bush's recession. All of the financial collapse that has occurred in the United States is a result of the actions of George W. Bush and the actions of those in his political party. The Republican Party, The G.O.P. or Grand Old Party.
What are the rest of Americans supposed to be doing while The Republicans dance their lives away attending this Grand Old Party?
Oh I remember now, the rest of Americans exist only to pay the bill for their Grand Old Party.
George W. Bush tanked the economy of the United States, not Barack Obama.
George W. Bush drove up record national debts with two illegal wars and more tax cuts than any U.S. President in recent memory.
Tax cuts that only served to benefit the most wealthy Americans, in other words Scott Brown voters.
Barack Obama did not.
George W. Bush sacrificed the next generation of young Americans by dropping them into the meat grinder that has been Afghanistan and Iraq.
Barack Obama did not.
George W. Bush, and the Republican Party of which he is part, are responsible for all of the major problems that now face most Americans. Barack Obama was elected to repair all the damage that has been caused by The Republican Party, George W. Bush, and his Administration.
A vote for Scott Brown was a vote for the memory of George W. Bush's presidency, and the way that things were run during it.

Because The Republicans in The Senate will now fill-a-buster every bill that The Democrats in The Senate try to pass, and because 60 votes are required to break any fill-a-buster, "Independent thinker" Scott Brown represents the vote that will give The Republicans the chance they need to grind the 111th congress to a halt.
Because The Republicans in The Senate will now fill-a-buster every bill that The Democrats in The Senate try to pass, and because 60 votes are required to break any fill-a-buster, "Independent thinker" Scott Brown represents the vote that will give The Republicans the chance they need to grind the 111th congress to a halt.
Holding all of us in America hostage in order to preserve The Republican's own personal family positions, exact petty revenge for electing the first African-American President of The United States of America, Barack Obama, and of course to preserve their precious status quo.
The status quo that has them profiting from your pain and suffering while you kill yourself every day working to put their kids through school, advancing their family, so that you and your family never have the time to truly advance yourselves.The status quo that has them continuing to count your money.
And As Always,