Wednesday, October 04, 2006


REALITY- Above I have posted a link to part one of the interview conducted by Fox Newsie Chris Wallace with President Bill Clinton. As you can see by its contents it is fair to say that someone has woken a sleeping giant.

      Bill Clinton did not become President by accident. The man is smart, articulate, and has the ability to think on his feet. All glaring departures from the man we are now forced to call President, George W. Bush. Who, of late, has been stumping for, yes for, torturing people. And worse than that Bush has not even stayed sober for the occasion.

      Apparently not anyway judging by his inability to put together a coherent sentence in five years as Commander in Thief.  

      That's 'Chief' not 'Thief' damned typos.

      Something else that George W. Bush can't quite accomplish is convincing me that torturing people really keeps America safe. Long has it been known that torture has no value for gathering reliable information. If you torture someone they will say anything to get their tormentors to end their pain.

      If Americans torture others it gives others the excuse to torture Americans.

      But it is easy to see the obvious contrast between W. and Bubba.

      Bill Clinton is more articulate first thing in the morning on his way to the can than George W. Bush is while he gives party line stump speeches.


      Granted faithfully executing The Office of The Presidency is a great deal more than simple self expression. It also has to do with things like keeping the nation safe, honesty and integrity, and looking out for the overall best interests of The United States of America. Clinton, despite his inability to be immediately truthful about having sexual relations with a female White House intern, still has a comfortable lead on Bush according to the above criteria.

      Clinton wanted to kill Osama Bin Laden. He tried several times to pull it off. Including the drawing up of a plan to send U.S. Troops into Afghanistan in order to neutralize The Taliban and search in earnest for one Osama Bin Laden. This plan never saw the light of day due to bureaucratic resistance from The Republican controlled Congress who questioned their President's judgment and intentions concerning such an invasion.

"No War For Monica"
       Their attitude at the time can be summed up in four little words "No War For Monica". As far as protecting this country need I remind everyone that Ramzi Yousef , the 1993 World Trade Center bomber, was caught, tried and convicted, and incarcerated where he currently remains all on Bill Clinton's watch.

"You know I don't know where he is..."
       As opposed to George W. Bush who has said, in reference to Bin laden's whereabouts, that he "You know I don't know where he is. And to be honest with you I just don't spend that much time on him."


      Well at least he's honest.

      It could not be more obvious that the reason Bush has not gotten Bin Laden is because he does not want to. Bush likes his Boogey Man right where he is, at large.

      It is a lot easier to use fear to your advantage when you have a bad guy like Osama Bin Laden to frighten people with, like some sort of bad slasher flick. The point is Clinton tried to get Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance. The only thing in his way was the Republican controlled Congress.

Bush has Congress in his front shirt pocket. So what is stopping him?

And As Always,

Friday, September 29, 2006


REALITY- Mark Foley is the former Congressman from Florida who resigned last Friday due to the apparent fact that he is, and has been since 1995 at least, a pedophile.

Mick Foley is a professional wrestler who since 1985 has wowed wrestling fans all over the world with death defying feats of, as Mick would say, "testicular fortitude". While these two men seem very different they do have at least one thing in common. They are both certifiably crazy.
However Mick Foley is only crazy in what he does to himself in, around, and sometimes high above wrestling rings. While Republican Congressman Mark Foley is crazy for the things he had done to other people, specifically underage male Congressional Pages, in, around, and sometimes high above Capitol Hill.
Mick Foley has gained a reputation for insanity by being involved in matches called things like Hell In The Cell, Barbed Wire Matches, and something termed a Japanese Death Match which actually involves using a series of small explosives against your opponent.
Mark Foley, in recent days, has garnered a reputation for lunacism by being involved with the afore mentioned underage Congressional Pages in, sexually explicit e-mails and instant messages involving masturbation.

Mick Foley gained instant fame by throwing himself (with the aid of The Undertaker) off of a fifteen foot high steel cage. While Mark Foley has gained instant infamy by throwing himself at fifteen year old male pages.

Ex-Congressman Mark Foley is just the tip of a very ugly iceberg. It seems this sex scandal may go a lot deeper than Mark Foley himself. Folks like Speaker of The House Dennis Hastert (R) of Mississippi have already gotten some of this mess on them. And rightly so, the question is who knew what and when did they know it.

And the answer is just about every member of The Republican Congressional Caucus who have been running away from Mark Foley faster than they have been running away from George W. Bush.
The next thing you're sure to hear from The Right-Wing Media is that you can't attack Mark Foley because he is a homosexual. Of course The Right-Wing is the side that enjoys attacking homosexuals at every possible turn. But that is what they will say.
They will say things like "I thought The Democrat party was for gay marriage, how can they now attack a man for being a homosexual?" Simple, no one is attacking Mark Foley for being a homosexual. They are attacking him because he is a child molester.

The fact that Mark Foley jumped up out of his seat and proclaimed his gay-ness can't and will not inoculate him against losing his job, the ruin of his political credibility, or lengthy jail sentence for the crimes he has committed. And it should be obvious that his self-outing was more a political move then a personal admission.

For the record Mark I don't care if you’re gay or not. I do however insist that if you’re going to have sexual relations with men, that you wait until they turn 18 like everyone else.

Another Right-Wing talking point you're likely to hear is that since this has been going on since 1995 that all of it is somehow Bill Clinton's fault since he was President then.

They are too short sighted to realize that that statement implies that since George W. Bush is President now, then all of the problems we face now are in fact W.'s fault now.

The fact of the matter is that this story, while tragic for the youths involved, is not as big a story as Bush inventing reasons for war in Iraq.

Going so far as to allow the tragic events of September The Eleventh to take place in order to facilitate his own Neo-Nazi agenda.
And he looks like such a nice guy.

Ps. I'd like to thank Mick Foley for every crazy thing he did that didn't hurt anyone but himself, well and sometimes his opponents.
And As Always,